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My passion for helping our retired population!

Matt Buckley, South Notts Physio

How many of the following statements ring true when you think about getting older?

"I'm going to physically deteriorate"

"I'm more likely to get aches and pains"

"I'll have to start doing less"

"It's inevitable I'll get Osteoarthritis"

"I'll probably need a knee replacement"

"My risk of injury will go up"

I could go on...

Is there anything to look forward to?! Retirement may sound great but what if something happens? Maybe we won't be physically able to fully enjoy it?!

How much of our retirement years are influenced by out perceptions of ageing??

What if we put another spin on it... How does this sound?

"Exercise has far reaching benefits as we get older"

"You have the potential to be stronger, fitter, more independent and safer, regardless of age"

"Exercise does not cause your joints to wear away, it can help keep them healthy!"

"It's never too late to get started.."

I'm currently 33. I'm of a generation where we're becoming increasingly aware of the benefits of exercise. We have easily accessible exercise classes, support online & in person, training regimes for couch to 5k or post-natal exercise, we see more and more people running & keeping fit. My two sons, who are both under 3, will grow up being encouraged to exercise regularly and this should help them dramatically as they gets older. My wife runs and goes to the Gym (She kept this up throughout both of her pregnancies). My sister (who was never into exercise!) now runs regularly, she did her first 10km run last year and is booked onto a 15 mile 'tough mudder' next year year. Her children have grown up so far seeing Mum & Dad doing regular exercise and this is the norm for them. The future is bright when it comes to exercise.

However there's a big difference between my generation and our retired generation. Exercise may be ("may" there are exceptions of course!) perceived as something for 'sporty' people only. It may be perceived as something that becomes risky as we age, something that may speed up our 'degenerative processes'. As we age our family tend to do more for us, encourage us to rest or take it easy, wait on us hand and foot over Christmas, watch out for increasing frailty with a certain inevitability.

How we perceive ageing is a very personal thing, our hopes, expectations, goals etc. may differ greatly between individuals. I want to encourage people to make an informed decision on how we approach ageing. For example, it has been estimated that without regular exercise we will lose approximately 10% power, per decade, after we turn 30. Meaning by the time we're 80, we'll be down to 40% strength versus our 30-year-old self. So yes as we age we can get weaker. But this isn't a given!

Exercise can increase balance, strength, flexibility, muscular endurance regardless of age! But we have to do something regularly!

Exercise can improve cardiovascular function; heart function, blood pressure, heart rate etc. regardless of age!

Exercise can reduce cholesterol and body fat. Not only can it protect us from developing type 2 diabetes but It can reverse the effects if we've got it!

Exercise can improve bone density - any sufferers of osteoporosis out there?? Been told you're at an increased risk of fracture? Does that make you do more exercise or less?!

Exercise can improve mood, help with anxiety and depression, or lots of other mental health disorders. It can change your outlook on life. It can improve the quality of your sleep. Doing more exercise doesn't make you more tired it makes you feel more energetic! It's as close to a miracle cure as we'll ever see.

If we could bottle up the effects of exercise in pill form we'd all be eating them like skittles.

So is the issue that we're not aware? Or is the issue that we're fearful? In Pain? Been told otherwise? Not sure where to start?

This is what motivates me to spread the word!

If you're reading this and it makes you think of a friend or loved-one, or if it hits a nerve when you look in the mirror I want you to know there is hope. Things can be better, brighter, easier, safer. There are lots of people out there like me who want to help.

Please get in touch and see what you could be doing today.


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