Tel: 07932 539020
Fractured Hip
Following a fall out of bed, Mrs A suffered a fractured femur. She was admitted to Hospital for corrective surgery and was eventually discharged back to her Nursing Home once medically fit. She had lost a lot of confidence and wasn't able to walk when she left Hospital.
Mrs A had seen a community Physiotherapist however this was unsuccessful & when discharged from NHS Community services Mrs A was using a Rotunda to stand and transfer. She spent all of her days sat in a wheelchair.
Mrs A remained motivated to regain her ability to walk. She knew she was weak but remained confident that given the chance she could regain some independence.
With the support of her daughter, Mrs A contacted South Notts Physiotherapy. She was assessed at her Nursing Home and started having rehabilitative sessions twice weekly. Within her first two sessions Mrs A had walked from the lounge to her bedroom. Within three weeks we had changed her care plan to say she no longer needed the Rotunda at all. By the end of week four Mrs A was walking using a zimmer frame with the care staff. Her care plan has been changed and she is now walking with some supervision every day.
The first time Mrs A walked we had a few tears (and that was just the Care Staff!)
Mrs A continues to have Physiotherapy input to help regain the strength in her hip and continues to get stronger and stronger.
Frequent Faller
When we met Mrs B lived at home with her son who works full-time. She had suffered from a number of falls; mainly trips and slight mis-judgements when walking and she had subsequently lost her confidence. She mobilised around her house using a trolley and her family had noticed that her gait had become much more unsteady, with her posture becoming increasingly stooped.
It was decided by Mrs B and her family that they would look into community Physiotherapy and the contacted South Notts Physiotherapy.
When assessed Mrs B showed some general weakness in her legs and postural muscles, she had a tendency to lean back when walking (not uncommon amongst fallers) and her balance was poor.
We started with weekly rehabilitative sessions at her home to improve her balance and strength, she now mobilises around the house using a stick for support only and is much more confident on her feet having gone months without a fall.
Our rehabilitative sessions have led us into the garden, around the village and even across the road to the local pub!
Unable to attend a clinic
Mr C had a fall out of bed and landed heavily on his back and hip. He found himself in immediate pain in his back and into his thigh, found it difficult to weight-bear and was subsequently unable to leave the house. Having suffered in silence for a number of weeks Mr C and his wife contacted South Notts Physiotherapy. He was assessed in his own home where it was apparent that Mr C had sustained a back injury with some referred radicular (nerve) pain.
Within three visits which included manual therapy, guided exercise and a self-management program Mr C saw complete resolution of his symptoms. He is now back to full fitness!