Tel: 07932 539020

Do you work in a Care Home?
Do you have residents who are showing a reduction in their levels of mobility?
Does that have a knock-on effect to your staff?
Do you find yourself having to offer more and more physical support for your residents?
Do you interpret physical deterioration as inevitable?
Are your residents assessed by a community Physiotherapist on a regular basis?
Do they have exercise programs to help reduce the risk of falls and keep them active?
Our Care Home Residency Project
Over the years I've been fortunate enough to work in a number of Care Homes across the South Nottinghamshire region. I have met some wonderful, motivated people who inevitably end up seeking help because they are physically deteriorating and subsequently so is their independence. Often they feel isolated, lonely and frustrated.
On top of that often the staff are finding caring for them more difficult, heavier, and more time consuming. Safety is paramount in Care Homes and rightly so; if someone is finding a physical task increasingly difficult it is natural for us to offer more help. This may be changing from a walking stick to a frame, from a frame to a rotunda or from a rotunda to a hoist. Safety to both staff and resident is upheld, but physical deterioration is inevitable.
This is where we see our place at the table.
We offer a personalised Care Home Residency to address patients in need on a regular basis. Taking advice from the staff who know the residents better than most, we can provide one-to-one or group intervention to help improve people's balance, coordination, fitness and strength. We aim to reduce the risk of falls, improve physical function and independence.
Individual detailed assessments will be carried out with reports provided to both staff & family members, we use various objective tests to ensure progress is being made and we can cater our service to the specific needs of your Care Home!
We have seen some fantastic results in the past; not only do people physically improve but we see changes in their mood, motivation, appetite & outlook on life. It's these people who have motivated me to set up this service!
Flexible hours suited to the demands of your Care Home
Personalised assessments of residents chosen by you
Objective measures used to ensure progress
Regular Hand-overs to staff with joint sessions encouraged where appropriate.
Full assessment reports provided to both Care Home staff and family
Short-term, long-term or ad-hoc services provided
Family included in care if suitable to maximise benefits
Liaisons made with community Physio / O.T / G.P's
WE'll come to you
We can arrange a meeting with management staff to discuss our services & gain an insight into the individual needs of your Care Home
Thorough assessment
We will perform a detailed assessment of individuals with outcome measures to identify risk and current levels of function
detailed reports provided
We'll liaise with staff, family and friends to let everyone know the outcome of our assessment. This will detail functional and exercise recommendations to ensure transparency throughout.
Reduced risk to residents!
Reduced risk to staff!
More independent residents!
Happier & healthier residents!